Dragon Comparison
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- Category
- Elements
- Rarity
- Global Rank
- Rarity Rank
- Category Rank
- Critical
- Weakness
- Basic skills
- Training skills
Nature Dragon
- 1
- 2,086
- 116
- 13
Explain stats
Category: Represent category of selected Dragon
Rarity: Represent rarity of selected Dragon
Elements: Represent elements of selected Dragon
Global Rank: Represent rank of among all dragons in dragon city for selected dragon
Rarity Rank:Represent rank of among all rarity for selected dragon
Category Rank: Represent rank of among all category for selected dragon
Critical: Display how many elements the selected dragon deal critical damage to
Weakness: Display how many elements the selected dragon are weak to
Basic skills: Display basic moves of selected dragon
Training skills: Display trainable moves of selected dragon